This project is a series of animated compositions, intended to investigate the various forms and textures that have been generated using GMOs. The GMO debate is a multi-level discussion where there is no distinct conclusion on if it’s a good or bad idea for them to be incorporated into our food supply. GMOs can alter our organics, detaching them from their past shapes and changing the course of their evolution. Through creating six, 10-second animations, I explored various organics as they are. Investigating their characteristics allowed me to create abstract visual representations of them, along with depictions of how they might behave. I created compositions using a scanner to distort the organics to reflect how GMOs impact their form. The animated objects began as drawings, I created various sketches, refining the form to be loosely recognizable. The sketches were then brought into After Effects, where I applied motion characteristics, imitating how the initial object might behave. Intended to be displayed in a gallery, various sounds composed from handling the fruits and vegetables will be played by different speakers making the experience more immersive.